Talbeena – تلبینہ is a porridge produced using barley flour, formed by adding milk and honey to the dried barley powder. The name comes from the Arabic word laban meaning yoghurt (fermented churned milk), in view of its similarity to yoghurt, as it is delicate and white.
Barley is a good source of insoluble and soluble dietary fibre. It helps in digestion and improves immune function.
Prophet Mohammad (SAW) recommended it when sad events happen for its effect on soothing hearts and relieving sadness.
Few Benefits of Talbina:
1-Strengthens stomach and the liver.
2-Covers blood deficiency.
3-The best thing for pregnant women having blood deficiency.
4-Fulfills the iron deficiency in the body.
5-Helps in skin vitalizing and glowing.
6-Provides body nutrition and helps in brain improvement.
7-Restores energy.
And many more.
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